Topics covered in Child Safeguarding - Level 1
Topic 1: what is child abuse?
The prevalence of child abuse, what child abuse covers, the responsibility of professionals who work with children and young people, the definitions of child protection and safeguarding.
Topic 2: neglect
The prevalence of neglect, what neglect covers, the four types of neglect, signs and symptoms, the short and long-term effects of neglect.
Topic 3: physical abuse
Some statistics, the definition of physical abuse, signs and symptoms of physical abuse, identifying inflicted bruises and wounds, the effects of physical abuse.
Topic 4: emotional abuse
The definition of emotional abuse including active and passive emotional abuse, and the five types of passive emotional abuse, the signs, symptoms and effects of emotional abuse.
Topic 5: sexual abuse
The prevalence of reported sexual abuse, what sexual abuse covers, some myths about sexual abuse, signs and symptoms of abuse, the effects of abuse both in childhood and later in life.
Topic 6: disclosures
The different types of disclosure and ways that you may become aware of abuse, and recognising what a disclosure my sound like.
Topic 7: responding to a disclosure
Responding appropriately to a child who is disclosing abuse, what prevents and encourages disclosure.
Topic 8: taking action
Passing on information to people who will be able to take action, talking to parents, what should be reported.
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Course description
Overview of contents
This e-learning course is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with children in their work or voluntary activities, and includes how to recognise child abuse, the forms of abuse, responding to disclosures, acting on concerns, and reporting abuse. It is specifically designed to give learners a better understanding of what the different types of child abuse are, what signs to look out for and what actions to take.
Law and legislation
This course covers key points from:
Working together to safeguard children in England 2023
Safeguarding children: working together under the Children Act in Wales
National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland
Co-operating to safeguarding children in Northern Ireland
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Section 10 of Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills
This course is available as part of the flick subscription or to license for hosting on your own learning management system. If you attain the pass mark of 75%, you'll be awarded a certificate.
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