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flick courses

​Take a look through all of the flick courses available


flick courses

Take a look through all of the the flick courses available 

Course list

Abrasive Wheels Training

Adult Safeguarding Training - Level 1

Adult Safeguarding Training - Level 2

Allergens Training

Anti-Bribery Training

Anti-Money Laundering Training

Anti-Terrorist Financing Training

Asbestos Awareness Training

Autism Awareness Training

Banksmen and Signalling Training

Basic First Aid Training

Becoming a Manager Training

Breast Ironing Training

Budgeting Effectively in Early Years Training

CDM Regulations Training

Child Criminal Exploitation Training

Child on Child Abuse Training

Child Safeguarding Training - Level 1

Child Safeguarding Training - Level 2

Child Safeguarding Training: Refresher - Level 2

Child Safeguarding Training - Level 3

Child Safeguarding in Boarding Training

Child Sexual Exploitation Training

Common Core Skills and Knowledge Training

Confined Spaces Training

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Training

County Lines Awareness Training

Customer Due Diligence Training

Customer Service Training

Cyber Security Training

Data Protection and the GDPR Training

Data Protection in Education Training

Data Protection in Marketing Training

Dealing with Difficult People Training

Developing Positive Behaviour Management Training

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Training

Domestic Abuse Training

Driving Safety Training

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training

DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Training

DSE at Home Self-Assessment Tool

DSE in the Workplace Self-Assessment Tool

Electrical Safety Training

Environmental Health & Safety Training

Environments in Early Years Training

Equality & Diversity Training

Equality & Diversity - Additional Responsibilities Training

Equality & Diversity for Managers Training

Eye Protection Training

EYFS Made Simple - For Childminders Training

EYFS Made Simple - For Group and School-Based Settings Training

Faith-Based Abuse Training

Faith-based Abuse: Witchcraft Training

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) Training

Financial Crime Training

Fire Safety Training

Fire Safety: Basics Training

Fire Safety for Fire Wardens Training

Fire Safety for Managers Training

Fire Awareness in Education Training

Fire Safety for the Responsible Person Training

Floor Space Requirements in Early Years

Food Hygiene Training

Forced Marriage Awareness Training

Fraud Prevention Training

Gas Safety Training

HACCP Training

Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Training

Handling Conflict Training

Handling Medication in Care Training

Handling Medication in Education Training

Handling Sharps Training

Hazards Training

Health & Safety Training

Health & Safety for Managers Training

Health & Safety Introduction Training

Health & Safety Risk Assessments Training

Inclusive Language Training

Infection Control Training

Infection Control: Covid-19 Training

Information Security Training

Isocyanates Training

Keeping Children Safe in Education Training

Knife Crime Awareness Training

Legionella Training

LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) Training

LGBTQIA+ Training

Listening Skills Training

LOLER (lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations) Training

Lone Worker Training

Lone Worker for Managers Training

Lone Worker Risk Assessment Training

Managing Meetings Training

Managing Remotely Training

Manual Handling Training

Manual Handling: Safe Lifting of Adults Training

Manual Handling: Safe Lifting of Adults and Children Training

Manual Handling: Safe Lifting of Children Training

Menopause Awareness Training

Mental Capacity Training

Mental Health and Young People Training

Mental Health Awareness Training

Mindfulness Training

Modern Slavery & Trafficking Training

New and Expectant Mothers at Work Training

Noise Awareness Training

Ofsted's Early Years Education Inspection Framework Training

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework Training

Online Safety Training

Paediatric First Aid Training

Personal Safety Training

Positive Behaviour in Early Years Training

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Training

Preventing Bullying Training

Preventing Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Training

Prevention of Radicalisation Training

Protective Security & Preparedness Training – Level 2

Protective Security & Preparedness Training – Level 3

PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) Training

Reporting Incidents – RIDDOR Training

Restraint in Care Training

Restraint in Education Training

Safer Recruitment Training

SEND Training

Sexual Harassment Awareness Training

Slips, Trips & Falls Training

Spill Kits Training

Stress Awareness Training

Time Management Training

Unconscious Bias Training

Understanding Allergies and Anaphylaxis Training

Understanding Asthma Training

Understanding Diabetes Training

Understanding Epilepsy Training

Whistleblowing Training

Working at Height Training

Working Remotely Training

Working With Babies Training

Animation &  video

We use animation and video to illustrate and enhance content, and keep it moving.

Stunning imagery

A  distinctive design theme for every course -  from Wild West, Bridgerton and Film Noir to Vintage Space – it’s certainly memorable!

Music, voiceover & soundscapes

Carefully curated music and audio sound to maintain engagement and create atmosphere; optional professional voiceover if you prefer to listen.


…because everyone loves a story!

Interactivity & gamification

Matching pairs, Spot the Hazard, word searches, Beat the Clock and most recently, Wordle to reinforce key learning points.

Multi device support

Flawless performance on any size screen or device.

Simple language

All courses have a reading age of 11 – making it simpler if English is not your first language.


Walk a path with options along the way to reflect your job role.

Course features 

Take a tour

Take a peek at our courses… a 60 second whistle-stop tour to give you a feel for the look, quality and style of our training.

Have you ever seen a fire safety course with the style, feel, and addictive theme music, of an 80s video game? A course on oil system cleaners presented as a pop-art cartoon? Information Security mocked up as Mission Impossible?

We relish the challenge to create something compelling, creative and slightly quirky, out of the notoriously dull. 

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